Welcome to OriginQC pypiserver!

This is a PyPI compatible package index serving 36 packages of OriginQC.

To use this server with pip, run the following command:

        pip install --index-url https://pypi.originqc.com.cn:443/ PACKAGE [PACKAGE2...]

        pip install --index-url https://pypi.originqc.com.cn PACKAGE [PACKAGE2...]

The complete list of all packages can be found here or via the simple index.

The pyvqnet, pyqpanda, and other software developed and maintained by OriginQC may require downloading third-party libraries such as numpy and scipy from PyPI sources including Tsinghua source during installation and use.

Installing and using these software implies your acknowledgment of the above license agreements of these softwares as well as open-source licenses.

This instance is running version 2.0.1 of the pypiserver software.